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Feng shui tips useful for your office

Feng shui for office is as important application of feng shui as is the feng shui for bedroom. We tend to spend many hours at the office, be it a home office or an outside work environment. It is good to try to connect all the dots, so to speak, and see if the feng

Obstacles in your work and feng shui solutions

In feng shui, the right location of walls can promote a good flow of energy and enhance the positive feelings in a home. A challenging wall location will do the opposite – it can block, or completely stop the flow of energy, thus creating a stagnant space where not much good is happening. There are

Apply feng shui to attract energy and increase creativity for your work

The feng shui of a creative process – be it painting, writing music or writing a book – always implies making space for that which is not here yet. In other words, it is like the birth of a baby – highly expected, painful, powerful and chaotic at the same time. How do you create

Basic feng shui tips for your daily health and wellbeing

Stress that we are not aware of damages us the most, says Gabor Mate in his excellent book “When the Body says No”. Can feng shui help you identify the stress points in your environment, and, more importantly, can feng shui help neutralize or eliminate them? Yes, of course it can. You have to start

How to create a good feng shui for home office

From my experience as a feng shui consultant who works from a home based office, as well as from the experience of numerous home and office feng shui clients, working from a home office presents two major challenges: Separating business and home life, Lack of stimulating social (business-related) interaction. At the same time, working from